Laughs, Love & Coping In Motherhood.



Being married and having children is supposed to be an emblem of stability and happiness. Despite being highly educated, ambitious, and successful, many mothers struggle in very similar ways. The social need to present an image of contentment pushes these struggles to be unspoken, and it can be a very lonely place. Join me, as these women speak honestly about what it is really like to be in a relationship and have children in this upper crust society.


  • Mommy Chronicles #11

    30/10/2015 Duración: 27min

    What a fun time! This lady has got her shit together. She recognized that being a stay-at-home mother wasn't for her and transitioned to working outside the home with eyes wide open. Armed with self-awareness, good friends, and an infectious laugh, she is conquering this mommyhood thing with grace.

  • Mommy Chronicles #7

    24/10/2015 Duración: 22min

    This laid-back and revealing mother dishes about putting out (even when she doesn't want to), loving and disliking her children, and laughing at her ass-clapping 3-year old. I love her honesty.

  • Mommy Chronicles #10

    24/10/2015 Duración: 22min

    I thought just dealing with your own children was tough. This momma has two tween stepchildren, her own newborn and an almost-four-year-old, and a traveling husband. We could all learn from her ability to see the 'big picture,' and from her obvious confidence, balance, and strength. What a great time: enjoy!

  • Mommy Chronicles #9

    06/10/2015 Duración: 31min

    What a great time on a rainy day to catch up with this juggling mama. She volunteers to run her daughter’s preschool while working outside the home, settling into a new home, and raising her 3 children (ages 4months - 5 years old). Biggest problem in her family? Her in-laws. Sweetest and most realistic view on marriage after children? Hers. Have fun!

  • Mommy Chronicles #8

    28/09/2015 Duración: 37min

    It was pure pleasure talking to and catching up with, this law-school friend. As a former corporate attorney turned stay-at-home mom dealing with mental health balance, financial and space issues in New York City, all with a very busy husband- it’s remarkable how she holds it together and does so with the most sweet and calm demeanor. Enjoy and be inspired.

  • Mommy Chronicles #6

    07/08/2015 Duración: 36min

    I was thrilled to enjoy this outdoor (Sorry! Again!) night-time conversation with one the most driven, intelligent, yet laid-back mothers I know. Operating on adrenaline and yes, sometimes illicit substances, she feels completely stretched as a full-time working mother: but her love for her children and husband and her honesty about what it is like to manage so many working pieces is amazing. Enjoy!